7 years ago

Community Module Now Live!


Here it is, the final module for Crest! Monuments, tons of skeletons & many more features, besides an overall improved experience, await you in the Community Module. The very long list of all changes, which are based on your countless feedback, can be found below.

To start off the celebrations, we got a new cinematic trailer in store for you:

Here’s a list of all the new features & updates:

New Features

Remnants of the world

  • Animals & followers now leave behind skeletons when they die
    Cities leave behind slowly degrading ruins after its last follower has died

  • Upon death the Chronicler will tell you about the world’s history

  • New end screen that lets you explore the world after your legacy ended

  • Revisit past playthrough’s world spirals & stories


  • A new type of building that followers will build over time to commemorate you, if they have enough materials & faith in you, which will provide an additional boost to the city’s faith.


  • It’s now possible to rename your cities & followers!

Event Notifications

  • A notification bar on top of the screen informs you when something has happened in the world & let’s you navigate to the location it happened by clicking on it.



  • Faith interface completely overhauled with new visuals

  • Faith system reworked for more insight


  • Influence no longer has a max cap

  • Influence gain now dependent on number of faithful followers


  • Tutorial updated with new visuals & improved flow

  • Now explains all mechanics properly without being (too) overwhelming


  • More events added to the spiral

  • Filter added to the spiral


  • More tips added to advisors


  • Gaining an expertise now make followers create a specific expertise building in that city

  • Expertise buildings are upgraded over time and give their city a boost to said expertise


  • Removed: Food

  • Added: Middle aged

  • Updated Verbs:
    Destroy: now primarily uses warriors to destroy their targets
    Consume: has been tweaked to not as easily lead to cannibalism
    Don’t: verbs have been tweaked to have a stronger impact on your followers
    Explore: has been tweaked to affect to word discovery rate


  • Each season now has a unique look


  • Hippos have been nerfed and shouldn’t win fights with followers as easily anymore

Commandment Tablet

  • Sorting & filtering of commandments now possible


  • Updated UI to better display city relationships

  • Balances made to city trading

  • Balances made to city warfare

  • Updates made to city relationships

Loading Screen

  • Loading screen now has an animated progress bar

  • Displays helpful tips while generating the world


  • The camera has been updated and is now a lot smoother to control


  • Many new sound effects

  • New background songs

  • Added ambience sounds to each biome


That should cover most of it, left aside the countless performance improvements & bug fixes. We hope you’ll enjoy the update!

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Next up

The Kickstarter campaign goes online 15:00, UTC+1 tomorrow, Tuesday. You can subscribe to the campaign now if you want a reminder tomorrow.…

Community Module coming 28th November 2017!

Hello everyone, We're working on a sequel to Among Ripples now and we just uploaded a demo for you all to try out. Just like Crest there's heavy emphasis on management. Enjoy!

Hello everyone! We're working on a sequel to Among Ripples now and we just uploaded a demo for you all to try out. Enjoy!

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Dev Blog #163 - Turbulences

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Another house i made long time ago.

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^