The Shape On The Ground

6 years ago

Completion. Accretion. Repletion.

A full build was achieved today. The entire test and every of its possible outcomes are completed and can be experienced by the player.

Now begins the last phase of production. Still in need of a final soundtrack, perhaps five pieces to be composed. Still in need of some quality assurance testing. Still in need of tweaking the graphics, some models and some set pieces.

Everything needs to be perfect. It all must serve the player, if the test results are to be as exact as possible.

A release before the end of July is conceivable.

May Loss spare us all until then.



Next up

New title announcement

New game is out now! PLEASE FOLLOW is available, and on sale!

Announcement. Development. Environment.

Discovery. Delivery. Festivity.

Endurance. Esperance. Temperance.

Progression. Digression. Obsession.

I wrote an in-depth Postmortem for my first game, I MAKE SAINTS. Read it here :…

Objective. Reflective. Perspective.

Sound. Found. Bound.

New game page is up! New title officially announced : Please Follow will be available December 2019!