2 years ago

Completion Ending done!

Now I do insanity Ending.



Next up

One of the best games has the worst advertisements.

Atleast these aren't pop up ADs!

Hare is debug objects for my new game which will be....

Y o u ' l l s e e

I'm the best DSMIS player.

9.88 min on 15/20!

IS THAT THE DANCE OF 87???!?!?1?!?!11?

I forgor to show you this screenshot I took outside my house.

You know what reminds me.

You won't guess.

"The Synthesis"

Does it look familiar?

For those who know respect also

We have to thank @AntoineVanGeyseghem for living this torture named SN 420 demo .



#fnaf #fangame

Here's unused "Reload" screen.

Well it was never used bc keybind were added.

This is also the first unused item ever I think.