2 years ago

Cooking With PNM:

How To Make Mickey Nachos

Salsa (any), Tortilla chips (any), impurity's tears and blood, Remenant, FNaTiing Sauce
Step 1: mix all ingredients (except for tortilla chips) in bowl
Step 2: Pre-heat oven to 1975 Degrees
Step 3: Put mixture in oven and leave for 17 minutes
Step 4: You have created a demon, give it a copy of Oblitus Casa, the demon will give you $7 and a broken suit
Step 5: Put the broken suit in the mixture and spend $6 of the $7 on McDonalds idk lol
Step 6: Freeze mixture in fridge for 10 seconds
Step 7: Dump all the tortilla chips in the mixture
Step 8: Mix throughly
Step 9: PNM will come to your house, give him the remaining $1 and he will give you a tomato
Step 10: Throw the tomato at Treasure Island.
Step 11: Your nachos are done! Enjoy!

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this sure is an abandoned enigma. give me 20 dollars


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