Crazy's Spooky Game!

4 months ago

-||Crazy's Spooky Game: Devlog 2||-

So it's not a devlog per se, it's more just the reason I don't do release dates. (Guys, don't listen to me when I say a release date)

Two Months without an update? What the f@*?, Flawless?!

First of all, stop yelling and stop cursing, it's not nice.

Secondly, um, I haven't been working on the game for those two months as I've been working on some side projects. And now, I feel the game isn't up to the standard I wanted it to be.

So what does this mean for the game and its release date? It means that the game may be delayed (and this is why I barely do release dates. Like I said, anytime I give a release date, don't believe me).

But, before I go back and basically reboot everything from scratch, I might as well say what I had. Heck, I might even release the old beta in its own page.

The Game Stuff:

Easy and Hard Mode weren't fully finished, as Cashgrab and Golden Crazy were never coded

But in the remaster of the game, Cashgrab was going to actually kill you, unlike the orignal. And Golden Crazy had a new mechanic similar to the phantoms in FNaF 3.


The Custom Night was fully functional (at least for characters who were fully done)

It had challenges, it had custom night exclusives (unlocked after max mode), and it took me an embarrassingly long time to actually get the AI counters working.

There were (if I remember correctly) 9 custom challenges, including a Max Mode and a True Max Mode, making 11 challenges total.

All the music wasn't done, as I still needed menu music and credits music.

In short, there were things that just weren't completed by the time I realized I didn't like how the game felt to play.

But don't worry, the game won't be canceled, just delayed to improve the things I really want to.

So sadly, the remaster won't release on the anniversary of Crazy's Spooky Game, but there will still be an art piece and a variety of other things that will be done to celebrate this dumb cast of characters' birthdays.

But until then...




Next up

-||Crazy's Spooky Game: Devlog||-

(an actual devlog)

Hazy Crazy


One Night at Potatoe's 1 REMASTERED


Happy Anniversary to this silly game

(Aka Crazy's Spooky Anniversary)

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations


Crazy Fun Facts #1

new tarkov style game in progress

made in TW using my engine flashback 2



Made for @TheBlueSphere 's video on Five Nights at Friedrich's