1 year ago

(Created with Unity 3D) BeatSmash: A fast pace rhythm game where you speed thru futuristic landscapes to the beat!




Next up

Started off creating an "avoid" game. Added some beats, tried syncing obstacles to beats ... and that's how I inadvertently made a rhythm game lol https://gamejolt.com/games/beatsmash/775328

BeatSmash: A fast pace rhythm game where you speed thru futuristic landscapes to the beat. But one wrong move might mean death! https://gamejolt.com/games/beatsmash/775328

I'm curious... which perspective do you prefer for an Action Rougelite game? #unity #3d #2d #isometric #rougelite #cyberpunk

Galloping through the realm of Greed

BeatSmash: A fast pace rhythm game where you speed thru futuristic landscapes to the beat. But one wrong move might mean death. Would be grateful if you checked it out and gave it a rating...good or bad! https://gamejolt.com/games/beatsmash/775328

The Zelda-inspired Unicorn Training is finally available on iOS App Store, Android's Google Play, AND Itch for PCs!

Pick a link below and give it a try!

- https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/yotes-games-llc/id645791669

- https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=8237743714301986430

- https://yotesmark.itch.io/unicorn-training

3 months ago I started gamedev, today I launched “BeatSmash”. It's a Rhythm Game about speeding through futuristic landscapes, dodging and weaving to music. It ain't perfect...but I think it's pretty fun. Give it a try? https://gamejolt.com/games/beatsmash/775328

🥚Hatch, feed, + raise your desktop virtual pet in Nanomon by 🐹Oscar Brittain!

Help your pet achieve its Life Goal in the Nanoscape - will they become a star? A chef? or more?

Just don't neglect your pet, lest they turn out UGLY 😱 Demo out now!


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Why walk when you can jump?