Hey Dino-pals!
Thanks for tuning in! So we are 1/3 funded! Still have some way to go, but things are looking pretty great!
Today we want to throw a bunch of art your way to see what Theropods looked like during its initial conception!
The Village , Hunters and Parasaurolophus

Some lineart for the village, and a sketch of the hunter in idle position standing and sitting (eventually we didn't use his sitting one in the demo) Here is also our Parasaurolophus, before he turned all yellow and cute!

And here is a speedart of colouring the cool dino in!

Here are our cool hunters, from sketch to lineart to colour before they pass onto the pixel factory.

And here is the village concept art. Long long ago, everything was black and white as we know from old movies.
The Villagers

Just chilling, going about their day, gathering food, picking out fleas from-hey that's kinda gross guys.
The Bugs

Pretty groovie dudes. Just stay away from our code please!
Concept Sketch Of Jungle Area - AdventureJam Version

So this is a cool area we designed that was going to have a few puzzles. This was planned for the AdventureJam we participated in 2015.
Unfortunately, due to realising that we can't possibly have 4 huge puzzles crammed into two weeks, we wisely scrapped it in time.
Concept Sketch Of Cliff Area - AdventureJam Version

This canyon however made it into the jam version! Again, the idea was to design one background that contains two different puzzles in the same location. Hence those big see-through boxes - they represent the screen edges as the camera moves.
The Barbarians

Here is the very first barbarian concept art.
An idea we have been toying around with is that the yellow rock started changing the barbarians from them staying too close to it for too long.

We wanted to include this Velociraptor scavenger into the game for a scene where - hey, spoilers!
Anyway, he is pretty creepy, stay away from him maybe.
Droid friend

Beep-boop zoing!
Concept designs for the little droid friend of our spaceman character!
Got a favourite one? Are these the droids you are looking for?
Our friends over at Adventure Games Podcast were awesome enough to invite us for an interview!
If you want to hear us nerd out about dinosaurs and adventure games for like two hours, this is for you!
Peace out!
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