Illusion Gifts's Trophies Page
10 months ago

Cross-Worlds: Project PARTY is a yearly game collection to celebrate my most favorite projects that were released on the same month, January.

More info below.

Every year on January I celebrate the birthday of my roblox games Roblox Platform Game (the classic one, but it also includes the remake, RBPG 2) and my cancelled game which was once open, Be an TopHat and I also celebrate my first Gamemaker game's birthday, which I released a week after starting as a Gamemaker developer, Super Platform, my own horror game with a simple lore.

These 3, starting today, will always go to a new adventure yearly, every year on January 20th a new separate game will be released on this page, until I give up or maybe after I finish school on 2026.

Next year, our buddies will go to a illusion gifting session, you'll have 3 small adventures to go through and gift each other in their respective worlds, the Project ILLUS24 or Illusion Gifts, this name comes from the idea of playing the original games in my game style (since RBPG and Be an TopHat was a 3D game made on Roblox) but a short version and not the original intention, but a illusion, like Elijah isn't a bad guy there.

Hope you have fun next year!, I expect big greatness next year since this year sucks, except for the part where I got to work on a Steam game.

– ClooverDev




Next up

The game is completely finished and is set to release on this friday (19th)

Cross-Worlds Party 2024 officially has started today, Illusion Gifts!

Check out the game's progress on the home page my website:

The game's nearly done, check out the list below for what features is left to be done.

Updates from Cross-Worlds Party | 24.02.2024

[V1.2.0] MAGICAL & UPGRADING [FINAL UPDATE] - 11/08/2024

you gon'

Thanks for the almost 7k plays on the GXC version!

Edit: it reached 7k!

V1.1 - Update 1 (02.01.2024)

V1.1.1 - Patch & Small Changes (03.01.2024)