So me and @Fluffy-bside are no longer friends. Here's what happened
Most Information will not be shared as the person talked about I believe would rather not be shared publicly yet. hope you understand
So, during my Slimie streams, Fluffy would usually join to bring more commentary to the table. But recently, his parents have restricted his ability to talk to me or anyone else, VIA a Voice chat/VC. This honestly hurt both of us, because they referred to me as "a stranger" despite me revealing my voice in his and MY streams, and sometimes my face in the VC. But that might not be the problem. The True problem is the effects overprotectiveness can have on someone his age.

I honestly hope things turn out well in the future for him, and his parents grow actually functioning brain cells and knowledge about mental health, because this is awful and I do not support any actions (shared and not shared) by his parents/guardians. So in conclusion, to keep him out of trouble, and safe (physically and mentally) I have removed all association from me and him. he will no longer be in streams or talk to me, because apparently despite me knowing him for 2-3 years, I'm a dangerous human being stranger dork :P
TLDR: We will no longer be talking to each other to keep his mentally ill parents happy

-Don't stop chasing your dreams