this is stuff i made for scrapped versions of a reimagining of D-B's Workshop (2020)
im still gonna work on DWR but it's not going to look anything like these old versions
this is just miscellaneous stuff i couldn't fit into the others things (it's mostly concept art)
1: concept art for the back of the office
2: concept art for mugshots
3: concept art for D-B's gameover screen
4: concept art for office
5: concept art for office (but older)
6: concept art for map
7: concept art for menu (for an unmade v3)
8: concept art for v3 menu 2
9: v3 map
10-12: camera flip
13: v3 office
14: v3 doors
15: mockup for v1 custom night menu
16: gif of v1 cn menu background
17: concept art for v1 main menu background
18: v1 main menu background
19: copyright-free mode enabler
20-21: minecraft versions of v1 office to help with laying it out
22: gear model for v1 cn menu bg
23: concept art for rabbitruler logo (red one eventually used)
24: concept art for logo
25-27: older versions of logo
28: concept art for helper redesign
29: dw's original name but with dwr's logo