who understood and found out-well done!
Next up
There are only 12 tarot cards, each tarot is given a point.
FR: Le seul mini-jeu que j'ai trouvΓ©.
EN: The only minigame I found.
=> @kazovsky
=> https://gamejolt.com/games/thereturntobloodynights/595647
feeling abundantly devious
There was a slight rebranding of the second line of the game.
Dead Flowers: "Vizovich Story"
A frame from the game. Dead Flowers: "Vizovich Story"
Recent little piece + the inspiration.
Tarot Card "Mari Felicity" Book-"Clone".
Author-"Mista_Gnido (AKA Vladimir)"
Link to the book- https://ficbook.net/readfic/0189ff90-0ec0-70f8-84e4-cd2575d50f60
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