Dasher 3D

5 years ago

Dasher 3D is (more than) 1 Year old!

From the simple 1-button jam game to what it is today, Dasher 3D has passed its first year good and I’m so happy of all the players who downloaded this game and its growth through time.

For its 1 year anniversary update, I’ve added a fresh IEP News system with server feeding instead of Drive, changed a few things in menu, fixed some bugs and also fixed android 10 phones resolution problem. Check out the new Dasher 3D page on IEP website at

Detailed change log:

  • Fresh IEP News system with feeding and no forced update checker.

  • Power ups now flash before deleting.

  • Lowered mines radius color capacity.

  • Fixed blocking bug in Tunnels map and fixed bullet penetration in other maps.

  • WebGL version now has all of standalone maps.

  • Blurred main menu background.

  • New credits visual change.

  • Android version now supports all resolutions.

  • Small changes and bug fixes which I don’t remember.

♥ Premium Gifts for Supporters!

​If you want to support Dasher 3D, you can do so by purchasing one of these gifts to help me make more and better games:


You can find these items in itchio Download page​.

Thank you all for your support and playing my games in these years! A game is nothing without people playing it.



Next up

Hello everyone! I updated Feigned Feeling to work with OpenAI's new API. Now you will need to enter your "Organization ID" as well for it to work.

Hey everyone! I updated Drugulation to fix some small issues, upgrade the game engine, and rebrand the game to Esyverse. Enjoy this trippy game of mine :D

Esyverse Rebranding Update v1.3.0

​I updated Abnormal after 4 years to add support for Backrooms: The Lore skins, Android version and an engine update. 

Nothing else has changed! This means that it's still using the old version of Cute Adblocker with its difficult gunplay at its core :)

Hello wanderers! All the games that can unlock Backrooms: The Lore skins are now updated. To celebrate this completion, all the special skins are now on heavy discounts:

​Hello all! I updated WTIAU today. It includes the Esyverse rebranding, game engine renewal, and a VR version!

Hello wanderers! I made a new update for Backrooms: The Lore, which brings important bug fixes and numerous quality-of-life features. Read the post to see a list of all the changes:

Dasher 3D is now on Play Store

Hey everyone! I made a 3D model of Dasher's boss, Masher, in SketchUp.

Hello wanderers! I made the first update in 2024 for Backrooms: The Lore. See what's changed ↓