Cute Adblocker

7 months ago

I updated my most favorite game :3

Here's a detailed changelog:

  • ​Rebranded from IEP Games to Esyverse

  • Added a new mission for unlocking Backrooms: The Lore skins

  • The last cutscene is now skippable

  • Upgraded the game engine

  • ​Added support for Linux, Android, and MacOS

  • ​Small changes: enemies now swing around less, they also can no longer see you behind a wall, UI scale fix, reload time is faster, punch range is longer, you can no longer spam inspect sounds, and other changes too small to list :)



Next up

Hey everyone! The Esyverse rebranding updates end with my most popular game, the original Backrooms I made back in 2019 :D

Hey everyone! I made a game from Cute Adblocker's score mode for the SBIG game jam. You can find Backrooms enemies and Dasher's bosses voices and even the great and powerful Masher itself! That's a fun mixture to enjoy!

​Hello all! I updated WTIAU today. It includes the Esyverse rebranding, game engine renewal, and a VR version!

game mockup where u collect chickens (its windy)

"They know what you want, and the worst part is that YOU let them to know" Find Cute Adblocker on other stores:

Have you played the Rose & Locket demo yet? It's always good to hear people's thoughts on the game so far

Hello wanderers! All the games that can unlock Backrooms: The Lore skins are now updated. To celebrate this completion, all the special skins are now on heavy discounts:

​I updated Abnormal after 4 years to add support for Backrooms: The Lore skins, Android version and an engine update. 

Nothing else has changed! This means that it's still using the old version of Cute Adblocker with its difficult gunplay at its core :)

What’s that, lurking in the dark? Looks quite scary and it’s not even its FINAL FORM! 😱

Slightly tainted animals in First Dwarf can be healed, if you wish to help them… but there is also one more, less peaceful solution…

Hey everyone! I updated Drugulation to fix some small issues, upgrade the game engine, and rebrand the game to Esyverse. Enjoy this trippy game of mine :D