11 years ago

Day One Devlog Dump

Development screenies here!

day 0, 20:05 EST
Gonna go take a shower. I have an idea.
A good idea.

day 0, 20:16 EST
Shower’s done.
Beforehand, I had considered what I should do if the handicap and the theme came out as this. Glad I did, because preparedness is… good. Time to boot into XP. See ya’ll on the other side, folks!

day 0, 21:41 EST
White noise working quickly. Ripped out the heart of my platformer, but suffice it to say collisions need help. Lots of help.

day 0, 21:52 EST
The sister has given me a marvelous idea. I shall do if I have any spare time.

day 0, 22:22 EST
Looking mildly better, collisions are fixed. No need to go after graphics now, time to make a monster!

Day 0, 11:52 EST
I lied. Time for an art style completely different from anything before!
Okay that’s a bad looking frame but GOOD ENOUGH.
I’m going to bed. Early to rise, right?

day 1, 05:28 EST
Bluuuuuh. 3 days of game dev + me = alarm clock. Alarm clock + me = bluhhhhh, where alarm clock was set to five thirty. I feel like such a zombie that maybe I’ll just make a game about stumbling around your apartment half asleep.
But who needs a game to do that?

day 1, 06:34 EST
Got some good standup animations. Let’s make that monster. Finally. Maybe.
I may start to implement the light engine, though…

day 1, 07:20 EST
My stomach feels perfectly awful. Why is food so important?

day 1, 08:38 EST
Gotta love setting surfaces to random points in the memory.

day 1, 08:53 EST
Have another awesomely glitchly screenie.

day 1, 10:22 EST
Lookin good.

day 1, 22:04 EST
Okay, wow. I’ve been without internet since my last post, getting an RV (WOOT!), but I haven’t not been failing to forget about the jam. I did get kinda sidetracked… a little.
Well, I didn’t have any tentacle physics or ai! So I coded up an engine, only took seven hours, and then messed with surfaces for another three, and now we got this abomination.

day 1, 23:30 EST
My eyes huuuurt. I’m normally a Ubuntu user, unless game making time rolls around, in which case I boot into XP. There’s this Linux app known as redshift-gtk, and it adjusts the color temperature of your monitor based on what angle the sun is where you are. I have never experienced eye strain from overuse of the the computer. On XP for a day, and my eyes are killing me. Bluh.
Anyways, I’ve gotten some glitching down, that’s though I really wish I could just misguide my surface pointers - GML!!! - but this will have to do.
Time to build some levels.

EDIT: I can’t take this any more. I’m going to blessed sleep.



Next up


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

art comission.

Chiaki Nanami!

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

Have a good Boi

Today I was setting up the location of the first boss. His name is "Father" and he is the first of the Patagonians. His task is to guard the road to the House.🛡🗡 Bookmark pre-launch page🔖🔖🔖…

Just a Pico sprite

Family band complete!

Werehog transformation process. #sonicunleashed

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!