day 0, 20:05 EST
Gonna go take a shower. I have an idea.
A good idea.
day 0, 20:16 EST
Shower’s done.
Beforehand, I had considered what I should do if the handicap and the theme came out as this. Glad I did, because preparedness is… good. Time to boot into XP. See ya’ll on the other side, folks!
day 0, 21:41 EST
White noise working quickly. Ripped out the heart of my platformer, but suffice it to say collisions need help. Lots of help.
day 0, 21:52 EST
The sister has given me a marvelous idea. I shall do if I have any spare time.
day 0, 22:22 EST
Looking mildly better, collisions are fixed. No need to go after graphics now, time to make a monster!
Day 0, 11:52 EST
I lied. Time for an art style completely different from anything before!
Okay that’s a bad looking frame but GOOD ENOUGH.
I’m going to bed. Early to rise, right?
day 1, 05:28 EST
Bluuuuuh. 3 days of game dev + me = alarm clock. Alarm clock + me = bluhhhhh, where alarm clock was set to five thirty. I feel like such a zombie that maybe I’ll just make a game about stumbling around your apartment half asleep.
But who needs a game to do that?
day 1, 06:34 EST
Got some good standup animations. Let’s make that monster. Finally. Maybe.
I may start to implement the light engine, though…
day 1, 07:20 EST
My stomach feels perfectly awful. Why is food so important?
day 1, 08:38 EST
Gotta love setting surfaces to random points in the memory.
day 1, 08:53 EST
Have another awesomely glitchly screenie.
day 1, 10:22 EST
Lookin good.
day 1, 22:04 EST
Okay, wow. I’ve been without internet since my last post, getting an RV (WOOT!), but I haven’t not been failing to forget about the jam. I did get kinda sidetracked… a little.
Well, I didn’t have any tentacle physics or ai! So I coded up an engine, only took seven hours, and then messed with surfaces for another three, and now we got this abomination.
day 1, 23:30 EST
My eyes huuuurt. I’m normally a Ubuntu user, unless game making time rolls around, in which case I boot into XP. There’s this Linux app known as redshift-gtk, and it adjusts the color temperature of your monitor based on what angle the sun is where you are. I have never experienced eye strain from overuse of the the computer. On XP for a day, and my eyes are killing me. Bluh.
Anyways, I’ve gotten some glitching down, that’s though I really wish I could just misguide my surface pointers - GML!!! - but this will have to do.
Time to build some levels.
EDIT: I can’t take this any more. I’m going to blessed sleep.