3 years ago

Days without Mental Breakdown: 0

Lord Amethyst: *sitting in a corner, shaking*

Dark Star: *sips a soda*
what's wrong with him?

Lightning: Daemonophobia.
he's scared of demons.

Flame: wait what-

Lightning: something about their horns 'n' *BLEEP*

Gcrack: huh.
wonder why he let me live here then.

Dark Star: he's too nice of a person.

Flame: also, who's those two?

Dark Star: the other two villains of the show, Captain Emerald, and Sergeant Saphire.

Flame: those are stupid names.

Lord Amethyst: SHUT. U P

Lightning: we call 'em Emmy 'n' Saph.

TO BE CONTINUED...... (once I make their designs cause these two are some peeps from my FNaS AU, and two of those nine or so characters glitch announced(also, character designing is hard, so be patient))


The Amethyst duo, the Backstabbing Brothers: me.

Lightning: @Highcell

Flame: @MaxtheFox28forLIFE 

Gcrack: @gcrack 

1 comment


Next up

Fun Fact! sometime in february, smiler gave me the go to make a funny fnas mix of vs. ourple guy!

And now, with Smiler having been rightfully burnt at the stake, I'm extending it from JUST ourple guy!

(screenshot for proof btw lmao)

okay whoever the absolute nerd is that wrote this shit down on the MCM funkipedia page

you are the definition of a buzzkill


right now it's a mix of 3 & 2 lol

Happy Halloween!

now give meh your candy.

teh moosik but colour

Here's my FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE Tier List.

heres the link btw: https://tiermaker.com/create/fnf-vs-sonic-exe-song-tier-list-151…

(repost because i forgor communities)

Here's my FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE Tier List.

heres the link btw: https://tiermaker.com/create/fnf-vs-sonic-exe-song-tier-list-151…

Omnipresent but cool people sings it

not a cover and never will be, i also made this cause i was bored

look me in the eyes and repeat that dumbass shit you just posted