Anyways, here's a bit of something that I'd made today late at night on a website called "Canva"!! Don't ask why I had spent all late at night making these Steam Game Headers for both of Chapters/Games One and Two Okay?
Speaking of which, since I am still waiting to still fix some of my Steam Stuff and everything, I decided to create and to design something all by myself until I have the chances to play the 6th chapter (and yes, even the 5th and 7TH Chapters) of Garten of BanBan!!
Check this out!!??!! As you can see by the Title Start-up of this post right here and right now, on December 26th, 2023 (which is/was TODAY), right after I had opened gifts for me and everything, I had redesigned and also remastered the entire Steam Game Headers of both of the 1st and 2nd Games/Chapters of Garten Of BanBan!! Speaking of Chapters, I had also made/create my very own names of the chapters!!
![created_on_12262023_garten_of_banban_steam_game_header_remastered_chapter_one_folding_t.png created_on_12262023_garten_of_banban_steam_game_header_remastered_chapter_one_folding_t.png](
So, the first name of the 1st Garten of BanBan Game/Chapter is called "Chapter One: Folding the Unknown KinderGarten"!!! I know, this name of this 1st BanBan Game's a working progress, so, it might changed eventually. Not only that, I'd also put in a bit of some shadows and whatnot to make it POP and to look more realistic then ever. I had also used not only the ORIGINAL Steam Game Header as for creating the size and make references/examples for the image, but I'd also used a few images/PNGs to make it more cooler and everything!!
I mean, it kind of looks a bit weird where Jumbo Josh is staring at you from the Game Header, but yeah, what I can do huh? Besides, I am a talented artist and everything!! What can you do? Also, no clue why this Green thing's called/Named "Jumbo Josh". Maybe it's because how big he is? I don't know, it's the developers ways to name their own characters and everything.
Also, the reason why I named the 1st chapter THAT was because the start-up of the game. Yeah, that speaks for itself.
![created_on_december_26th_2023_garten_of_banban_2_steam_game_header_remastered_chapter_t.png created_on_december_26th_2023_garten_of_banban_2_steam_game_header_remastered_chapter_t.png](
Anyways, then here's the 2nd Game of the Garten of BanBan series. Also known as the remastered version Steam Game Header for the Garten of BanBan 2 Game!! This name of this 2nd chapter's called "Chapter Two: Deeper Garteners"!! The way how I got this name in particular is based on when the player in game explores more and more deeper inside of "BanBan's Kindergarten"!! Not only that, It also references on the underground stuff that's also inside of this second game!!
And when I say that, I meant some kind of underground-like facility/factory of some kind. YEAH!! GASP!!! Anyways, just like 1st BanBan Steam Game Header from above and everything, I had put on some more shadows around the header, made a few changes from using other images/PNGs that I'd found online, naming the NAME of the chapter from all by my own personal self (as always), and fixing a few details as well.
Speaking of making changes, or some edits for that matter, I had to change like so many things on my remastered version of this Game Header of the 2nd Game of BanBan!! I'd originally wanted to named this 2nd chapter of my very choice known as "Deeper Creepers Creeping Climbing Crawllers", but sadly though, that name in particular didn't really roll out the lounge, it also made like no sense whatsoever at all, and it's also such a mouth full to say. It also didn't even rhyme all and I put TWO "Ls" instead of only One "L" in the word "Crawlers".
Speaking of which, this scrapped name that I'd made up has also references from the MAIN 2nd chapter of the game. The "Deeper Creepers" part is based on the more characters that player sees in game and the "Creeping Climbing Crawllers" part is based on one of the new characters called "NabNab", which HE crawls on the ceilings from the game and also based on that strange creepy looking Green/light-blue-like creature that lurks like all the chapters except for Chapters One and Five!! If you don't know what I'm talking about. Just find videos on the Gameplays of this game.
Anyways, another thing that I had a hard time on was the shadows for the 2nd Game Header as well. I spent HOURS late at night, trying to figure out on some PERFECT shadow effects for the 2nd Steam Game Header for BanBan!! The first one also included!! even making the shadows for BanBan infront of the Game Header was also a pain in the butt to do. But don't worry folks, I'll try my best to remastered these Steam Game Headers as the best I can in the future.
Anyways, shout outs to the "Euphoric Brothers" the original creators of this game from creating this amazing controversial of a Mascot Horror Series!! Don't ask why I said that, I always give the MAIN GAME creators some positive credits of these types of horror games.
And shout outs to also from this other YouTuber named "FREEIANPLAYZ"!! He was the ONE who had inspired me from redesigning and remastering these game headers of the Garten of BanBan series!!!
Here are links to their individual YouTube Channels!!
FREEIANPLAYZ's YouTube Channel:
The Euphoric Brothers YouTube Channel:
Also, please be careful on what you all say to those Brothers okay? Hopefully in the future they'll make remastered versions of this Mascot Horror Series!! (Or even just revamped versions in particular for that matter.)
Well guys, I hope you all had an AMAZING YEAR so far. I just hope that 2024 won't as worse for me or for anyone else in general!! And stay tuned for updates!! Because I might also make remastered versions of the Steam Game Headers for Chapters Four and FIVE, and of course SIX as well!!
And yes, I'll also remastered/redesign the seventh Chapter's Steam Game Header as well. As for now, have a nice day and Happy Belated New Year's Eve to all of the fans of BanBan and every other people who had made this game!!! Oh and yes!! I'm also remastering the Garten of BanBan's Steam Game Header for the 3rd Chapter/Game as well!!
However though, I may started the process of remastering it, but it's not FULLY finished yet though. But hopefully tomorrow, it'll be done before then. Until next time though, stay tuned for future updates and have a nice and safe rest of December!! And yes, also, say more prayers towards BanBan if he SURVIES!! But again, have a nice day everyone and stay tuned for updates in the near future by me!! #GartenOfBanBan!!! #TrustOrDontTrustTheSurgeon?!?!!!! #ThatsOfCourseTheQuestion!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!