Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
6 years ago

Deep Dive with Mean McAllister

In the previous blog post we talked a bit about Mean McAllister and his background. We’re going to take a closer look at what Logan Branjord and the OneShark team envisioned this crazy chicken.


We now know that the basic idea of Mean and his background is from 80’s action movie cliches and when Mean was a little egg, a nuclear bomb went off that turned him into a muscular, roided out chicken. We want to look at the time between the explosion and how Mean came to be the chicken that he is today.


Mean McAllister according to Logan is known to not a nice guy overall. Mean is hot-tempered, unreliable, only around when there’s something in it for him, but is also extremely loyal.


Mean was an egg that was fighting on the farm and made fighting a habit to get by. He has struggled with debt sites and the mafia for money, which has kept him in the fighting ring. Mean has had a seedy past, is fully aware of it, but he does what he has to do.


The only thing that keeps Mean in check is Candy. Candy is Mean’s girlfriend and the yin to his yang. Candy is the only good thing that Mean has in his life and she is the only one who can keep his bad habits in check. Mean’s love for Candy explains why he goes through hoards of henchmen of all kinds of species to get Candy back.


We asked Logan what his hopes are for the future for Mean and he said that he hopes that he gets his girlfriend back and that when he does, Mean gets his act together and stops fighting.



Next up

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