So the second demo for Phlobb’s Adventure is out.
I’m honestly surprised that it’s out, even though this is when I scheduled it to happen. This is the first summer where I made a schedule for development, and it’s been going well. No longer am I sporadically working on features throughout the year with no idea when I’ll be finished. I’m getting a lot more work done now that I have a specific goal to work towards each week. If I keep up the pace, the game should be finished in 2019 or 2020.
I find it weird that that’s the projected release year, but after all, I do only work on this project during summer. The rest of the year is for focusing on school work and drawing comics. It’s also strange to look at how far I’ve come, even though I’m only about halfway done. I just started out drawing levels in a graph book in 8th grade, and in 2013, I started programming the game in Scratch. Then I switched to BYOB (Snap). In 2015 I switched to Unity.
I’d had Unity for a while before I actually started using it. Usually when I try a new program, I just jump in and see what I can do, but Unity was a little too complicated for that. I kinda just gave up on it for a while before I eventually watched a basic tutorial about making a space shooter and another one about platformers. They gave just enough information to get me started, and I picked up the rest through experimentation, documentation, and many many posts about users having the same problems in their games as me.
So, uh, <insert inspirational advice for someone just starting out>. That is all.