Light of the Locked World

3 years ago

Demo update! Version 0.6.0: Small changes

Hey all,

I've just updated a demo with a bunch of minor changes.

For those who might have saves made in the previous demo version: Please start a new save.
The old one will probably immediately crash because of engine changes in the new version.

Have fun and see you all in July when LOTLW might have a big beta test =]



Next up

A WIP map for Light of the Locked World - my ambitious RPG.

Today I have finished implementing alchemy!

LOTLW Devblog #34: Adventurer class

Working on NPC AI for my RPG: What you see here is player dropping items for NPC, who takes and equips them.

It's now possible to destroy some of the obstacles and gain access to new locations or create shortcuts. #gamedev #indiegame #rpg

Working on mining. Yes, it looks weird without animations, but those will be added.