Return of the Phantom Part II
7 months ago

Demo V 0.1.2 Update

  • You can no longer use the mask when on the cameras

  • Added static transitions to camera changes

  • Added tips at the start of the demo night (time and AI will not start until the tips go away)

Everything in the demo is just a taste of what's to come. Things may change in the future depending on feedback. The more feedback, the better.

1 comment


Next up

Looks like a majority of you want part 1 now. Alright then. I'll get to work on finishing the first part up. I hope to get it done by Halloween. Depends on my motivation unfortunately

Sorry for the heavy delay. Procrastination is real. So here, take this gift for now. Don't piss him off too much.

Character belong to @SmilerFurcifer

Based on what the poll results show, I'll go back and fix the coding of V1 to make it at least playable

I don't think I ever posted this before, but here is a drawing of Bonnie that I did 2 years ago that I still very much like to this day.


While you guys wait for updates, I'll pop up some artworks I've been working on on the side here and there. Here's one I did for an art trade

I added the soundtrack songs I've made so far to the page! If any of you decide to download the songs just make sure to credit me and Digi if you decide to use them for anything.

Here's the OST's cover for those who want it for proper album info.,

I've officially mastered all the Sonic Stickers now.

Well, uh, no game updates yet. Sorry about that. So while you wait, have some lore about my sona.


This is a very old Sonic Colors fanart I did, but I'm still proud of it. One of the best drawings I did back then.

Happy belated birthday to @silverxcristal

I know it's late, but I just had to make something.