Five Nights at Wario's: Remastered
4 months ago

Desperate help

We need HELP. Major help, our modeler guardian springlock has disappeared and hasn't dmed me or comminucated to me so not only can i not finish demo 3 the game itself cannot be finished

We need someone that has experiences with blender and if we don't get someone I think the game might actually get canceled

I have been spending 4 almost 5 years of my life with this game and i never gave up on it but i can't keep it afloat when theres nothing to hold onto anymore.



Next up

Five Nights's At Wario's: Remastered - Fan Game or Original?

new title screen preview!


here's a teaser for the upcoming FNAWR demo update which fixes a bunch of issues from the current build changelog will come when it comes out (its really close to being done)

Rat Race Production Update

a year in review

Introducing: Suicide Mouse

the nex two will be the 2nd placer and 3rd placer of the previous poll

This goes so hard