5 months ago

Dev Log for Joyful

Game development is hard isn't it...

Anyways, we mark the 165 day of development for joyful. Allot happened between this time and i am here to present it:


@This1idiot didn't leave the FNaF Community but he sadly doesn't have the time in his private life to work on Joyful anymore. He will still voice act, so be sure to hear him in the game. His twitter account got over 1.000 followers while mine still stands at 15...


The first teaser Trailer to Joyful also has been scrapped because of problems Connected with the models. I hope to get this fixed soon since this really slows the development.


Now my personal most exciting thing on this list is that the Joy model has been fully remodeled from ground up. I do not want to say much about the design because you will see it in some teasers and the full game. He still looks very similar to his old design but has major changes to fit the new and realistic style we approach for the game. The map also got a huge redesign with new rooms new secrets and more game mechanics.


Now, let's talk about what's happening in the "Studio", like I said @This1idiot isn't able to work anymore, so that's a big loss since we are only a handful of people. The game is in its current state definitely not working, but we got a cooperation with a studio called "Highjack Beatz" that is doing the soundtracks for the game, wich is a big helping hand.

As you see, the development is going good. I made this Dev log to show you that we aren't just there sitting and doing nothing but also to show you that game development has rough phases that need time to solve them. I hope you all had a great start into the new year.

-Megab4te and M4 Team



Next up

English, German and Polish.


Hmm... 🧐

Phew, let's see how the bendy Fangames will change now on gamejolt

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Q&A

More information & clearing misconceptions

Repost but add a cursed FNaF Image

Joy body reveal (outdated)

New thumbnail!

I am searching for people who could help me with Joyful (

There are no requirements for this !

(Contact info: