Hey everyone I know a little weird I just did a dev update lol BUT I've made some progress that will be able to get us closer to a demo release...
The dining area is finished so now it's just the show stage! and after comes rendering demo characters in the game for movement.
Speaking of the show stage ive made alot of progress in just two hours lol i just have to add some stuff to give it life and then get a camera angle set and were good to go also probably work a bit on lighting.
In other news our coder/ modeler of rocky currently working on timber is sick so he's taking a break to recover so coding wise the game is on standby for a bit but has made good progress with movement, and access to cameras.
Again i ask that you all be patient we are busy with college and jobs as well as the game thanks for your support and understanding!
-Director of Rocky Mountain Wonderland Cain
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