Zenand Garden: Factory Fresh
2 years ago

Development officially Resuming!

Okay, sorry for my brief absence, but unfortunately school got in the way temporarily. Mainly, the fact I had to write a program in Java for my final exam.

Luckily, that's done now! Meaning I know java now.

That also means development can resume, since all I have left is marching practice, then I walk across the stage and get a piece of paper as thanks for giving up most of the past 14 years of my life!

Tip fellas, I know school might seem boring at times, or even useless, but trust me, you only think that because you don't know a world without school.

Anyways, I don't want to get all philosophical here, so I'll just leave it there.

Now then, see you in the next log!



Next up

Skizzy S. Vamgon

An OC I've spent HOURS working on! Skizzy S. Vamgon! #ChrisisArtChallenge

Just a Pico sprite

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

Today I tackled drawing different variations of facial expressions for one of the main characters in Eden. What do you think of it? :) Eden:

My D&D art for my family so far (WIP if you couldn't tell)

Made my first ever animation.

If you’ve played the Vault demo and enjoyed it, please consider ‘liking’ the game page here on Gamejolt and/or leave a comment!

Also please consider tossing Vault on your Wishlist, I really appreciate your support!

Out of boredom and curiosity, I coded Sailor Jupiter's Argentine Backbreaker.