proto I
4 years ago

Development Update

Well, shit. I've been away for a year mostly due to being burnt out. But I'm back with new energy.

With my poor excuse out of the way, here's what I've been working on for the past year.

Level Editor

About a year ago I confirmed the game would have a level editor, which is what I've spent most of my time working on. It's not even close to finished but it works and it's amazing. Unfortunately the features are not quite nailed down yet.


So far you can use it to create super basic custom levels. All the advanced stuff like forcefields, moving platforms and rotated spikes with texture variants are yet to be implemented.

Player Abilities

I've been dabbling around with some player ability modifier. What this means is that you would have some kind of pick-up that gives you special abilities like a dash with limited uses, or a speed modifier for a limited time.
The reason I don't have much to show or say here is due to the fact I have not yet found a good use for this yet.


This is by far my most favorite thing I've implemented (except the editor).

A forcefield is an object that sets an area to push the player in a direction (a 2d vector). This is neat as hell because you can set up some pretty wicked traps with this, and I've been having some fun designing levels around this.


I truly do hope I can get some "THAT'S BULLS**T" reactions from this.

Tutorial Level

Like a good game developer, I have added a very unhelpful tutorial level that pretty much just tells you how to jump. But I mean.. it's there if anyone needs it..?


That's all for now. If you have access to the game, you will likely have an update to lay your hands on later this week. Most likely Friday (Sept. 4th 2020)



Next up

Enemies can also suddenly spawn through Realm Rifts. These Rift Spawns are going to be stronger than the ones wandering around. TBD on the enemies... #screenshotsaturday #godstear #madewithunity

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Just a Pico sprite

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!


Very ambitious construction going on in Planet Zoo on Plays today. We're tryin'. LIVE:

Alone Together....