Howdy Y'all, SPERD here!
If you don't read descriptions that much. I'm pretty much director and lead artist for Super Mario.EXE The Reckoning! Just want to say that I'll be the one that mostly talks, shows teasers, and devlogs.
Sorry for somethings not being created already like a banner or more screenshots haha... I'll update this page over time when we get the stuff for it!

Let's Begin
As of right now this project is pretty recent, being created a month and a half ago (Wowwie! In such a short time we're making immense progress to this game with the short team we have. We have time and skill to get this project done and let you guys have the best multiplayer experience we can give!!

What Horror Brew Character Will be in the Game?
Not gonna answer this just yet! BUUUUTTTT, Pretty simple We'll try to find cool horror brew creators and try to collab with them to get their characters in the game! This game is to be fun and a celebration of the horror brew and mario community as a whole! So maybe say some horror brew character you like and we might look into it... We hope to work with many creators in the future to get their part inside Reckoning!
Since You're Main Artist How Da Game Look?
Look at gif...
Everything will be high quality in game, everything!

Man This Project is so Cool! Can I Join it??
YES!! We would love more members inside the dev team! We are open to any roles stated in the application. Of course we have a quality for the game to maintain. ( WE NOT GETTING VOICE ACTORS RIGHT NOW!! WE'LL WORRY OF THIS AT A FUTURE POINT! DIGITAL ARTISTS ARE JUST FOR PROMOTING THE GAME SO SKILLED DIGITAL ARTISTS, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!)
If you wonder we check the applications occassionally. If we can't then it's always Friday at latest so try and apply whoever's interested in this project!
Click Here to Get Sent to the Application Form!
Closing Statements
Welp I hope you enjoy reading this silly little introduction of myself! In all serious though, everyone in the team is really passionate for this project and we hope you are excited as we are. We'll continue to work on the game till all our fingers turn to bones. Thank you for reading this little introduction and see you in the next news update
If you are really interest, want to talk with the community, or get teasers before the devlog comes out here's the Discord Server link!
Click Here to Join The Discord Server