FinaL GatewaY: GenesiS ScrolL

5 years ago

Devlog 01

We're currently focusing on the story segments and cutscenes. Apart from that, there's also been a lot of graphical updates, and planned gameplay changes.

More info in the article.

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

While the scripts for all 4 EpisodeS aren't done yet, they have all been outlined, and should be finished relatively soon.

On top of that, the improved BaF BaF system is in development on the side, hoping to up the challenge now that we're moving along in both plot and stakes.

Of course, if you'll take notice, the backgrounds are now pre-rendered CGI with low poly pixel art textures. Wanted to have them in VoL. 1, but by the time the idea came, it was a little too late to implement without delaying a third time (and considering the original already looked alright, it could've waited for later). Coupled with the simple yet pretty lighting going on, I think it was worth waiting to figure it all out. Should note, however, these aren't final at all. A lot could easily change as development continues.

Speaking of visuals, the UI also got a massive step-up from before. To me, it just feels more organized and unified than VoL. 1's, and gives some nice extra info in a non-intrusive way. OH! And the textbox is actually part of it now, yeah that's a big one.

All in all, once all story bits are completed (at least with the small portraits at the bottom of the screen), we should be ready to shift gears into sprite mode segments (that... that'll need its own entry), then the BaF BaF minigames, the pre-rendered cutscenes, and finally audio and voiceover.

So yeah, that covers the gist of the development cycle right now. Hoping to make this at least a once every other day kind of thing, and if you guys have any comments or questions on... anything, please let me know! I'd love to have every log dedicated to specific aspects of the project's development, and base it on your suggestions whenever possible.

That's about it for now, hope to see you all real soon!




Next up

With auditions wrapping up tonight, the podcast series will begin proper soon. In the meantime, enjoy this horrific preview of what's to come.

Gorgon cries voiced by Joshua Pedder (

Development on Episode 2 is going smoothly! Thankfully VixerStuffles is coming in to help with line art again, which is HEAVILY appreciated this time around.


Introducing Project Hermes!

A reboot of the entirety of ZodiA WavE.

We are completely starting over in the form of a webtoon that will cover the visual novels so far, then finally continue from there.

Starting with:

GorgoN ChambeR X: Grim Genesis

Synchronize your watches, everyone!

GorgoN ChambeR X: Grim Genesis Episode 1 is going live on January 29th, at 1:00pm PST!

The repercussions from eons back are about to become manifest.

So, been awhile. Just hasn't felt right updating here anymore given I haven't been making games, but for anyone who's been meaning to follow the novel, made a site specifically for it now (mainly cuz the other two chased it out):

Devlog 04

Small talk about how I start writing, plus more screenshots!

(More details in the article below)

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

So, with Episode 1 nearing completion, I thought I'd just drop another model sheet for Grim Genesis, along with a little WIP for some of the line art.


Okay, update, paneling is just about done for Grim Genesis Episode 1 (give or take a few adjustments).

Now all that's left is to letter it, and the webtoon should finally be up in no time!


GNCR X: Grim Genesis (Text Only Version)

Explanation in the article.

Note that since we're not limited to Tapas anymore, this version WILL COMMIT to that 18+.

Okay, decided to write out a little epilogue to the BETA version, something to finally close up that chapter of my life.

Anyone who was still following reads this, again, thank you.

And hey, they won't be gone for too long.
