FinaL GatewaY: GenesiS ScrolL

4 years ago

Finished up a new key visual for VoL. 2, hope you all enjoy!


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #devlog #flgy



Next up

Introducing Project Hermes!

A reboot of the entirety of ZodiA WavE.

We are completely starting over in the form of a webtoon that will cover the visual novels so far, then finally continue from there.

Starting with:

GorgoN ChambeR X: Grim Genesis

Devlog 06

Sprite Mode is at full swing!

HUZZAH! Casey's finally got a tail! Shown here are some of the sprites I've completed over the last two days, with more to come real soon.

Hope y'all enjoy!


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

Devlog 07b

As usual, gotta have the gif in a separate post. Hope you enjoy!

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

Development on Episode 2 is going smoothly! Thankfully VixerStuffles is coming in to help with line art again, which is HEAVILY appreciated this time around.


Devlog 04

Small talk about how I start writing, plus more screenshots!

(More details in the article below)

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

So, with Episode 1 nearing completion, I thought I'd just drop another model sheet for Grim Genesis, along with a little WIP for some of the line art.



We've decided to switch to a podcast format. 6 of the hosts in GNCR X have already been cast, but we're still missing 4 parts. More info on the link below:ā€¦

#lzrain #voiceacting #audiodrama #auditions #furry #nsfw

With auditions wrapping up tonight, the podcast series will begin proper soon. In the meantime, enjoy this horrific preview of what's to come.

Gorgon cries voiced by Joshua Pedder (

Okay, decided to write out a little epilogue to the BETA version, something to finally close up that chapter of my life.

Anyone who was still following reads this, again, thank you.

And hey, they won't be gone for too long.


Today, GorgoN ChambeR X has officially finished development!

We are currently preparing for launch, stay tuned for further updates.


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #gncr #X