Tyrex & Friends in: Murder Drones
2 months ago

Devlog #1

I have finished the new desk design with a few addon's. I added a JCJenson Branded pen on it, with some papers, a very small box & a desk lamp.


I have also started working on the Security Monitor. It will have a main thing box in the left, a control panel on the top right, & a SyStem changer on the Bottom right, though I don't know what to put on the other two.


Finally, I have changed the Logo for the game because I'm still reworking some stuff for the game.


Alright, that all for today, see you guys on Copper 9...



Next up

Omega my beloved.

The last, and final update for the Thumbnail.

I finally got the fucking intro complete!!!

LET'S GO!!!!!!!


#fnaf #fangame

While You Guys Wait for The Game, or a Demo to Release, here's a thing I did with Omega.

"The Synthesis"

Another Character Leak I decided to do.

Sorry for the Lack of updates again, was continuing to play TDH.

I guess you forgot about me... 🎪🍦

There's No way...