Welcome to Gabe's: Classic Remastered (ON HOLD)
1 month ago

Devlog 1#

So... it's been a while... haven't wrote one of these in a long time. Developments been going... pretty good, to say the least... Night 1 is done... first minigame is done... Half of the AIs are done... mechanics are finished... etc. Doesn't sound like a lot of progress, but it is for the demo... I really want to get out a demo as soon as possible, without trying to rush at the same time.

Let's be honest here, I really wanna work on Treasure Island: Underground... that's one of my only motivations to try and get over this demo... I know I have to take my time... but it's hard... I'm still trying to stay motivated... moving forward and such... I'm certainly not losing any motivation as of now, which is good... but somethings weighing on me, I don't know what it is, but I know that I can't let it ruin me or my motivation.

This game will be finished. Along with my other unfinished 2 games, eventually... The only reason Halloween got finished quickly was because I was on a deadline and got dozed on... way too much coffee...

In summary... things have... been rough... but I'll overcome it, I know I will... I'm too determined to stop now....

New Gameplay Screenshots will be uploaded to the page shortly after this Devlog is posted, I'll see y'all in the next post, thank you for reading...

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Next up

That's a lot of new friends to unlock.. :)

Happy Holidays!

2nd Teaser...

Emma model I made in blender... Would y'all play a 3D Emma's game?

Devlog 1#

TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)

Based on the Poll Results, here is your Jumpscare Preview!

All "Tubbybot" Jumpscares in the WTG Franchise. [+ Fangames] (As of Now.)

Door. (STUFF IS STILL A W.I.P!!! Also, please follow my game. I am trying to get at least 500-1,000 followers.)

Well, we're making progress!