Game Community
The Welcome to Gabe's Official Community
15 Members

Comments (5)

What do you think?

yess the game came out


A few new models... Can't wait to play!!

"Beware the allure of the superficial, for the most captivating narratives are not always the ones that boast the most striking covers."


This game is supposed to be a complete remake of an old (bad, shitass excuse of a game) Fnaf Fangame of mine on scratch (That was a literal FNaTI Clone, and this remaster kind of still is one but oh well.) I made a while back before I had Gamejolt. Which this is supposed to be a more Polished Up (and less janky) version of the game, which includes:

  • New Lore

  • New Mechanics and Features

  • Minigames

  • A functional Bossfight for once.

  • Better Extras Menu

  • And More!

DISCLAIMER: This lore is NOT Canon to any of the original installments, and this game only exists to fix the flaws of its older version.


Your name is Rob, Rob Dutchmen. You've recently applied for a Job as a Night Watchmen to look over an old, abandoned Warehouse with somewhat "Valuable" vintage animatronics that the Company believes to be, thinking it will be a cakewalk, you walk in the place for the first time to find an old trashy trainwreck of a place. Unfortunately for you, you're unaware that there is something bigger than yourself going on here...


#fangame #pointnclick #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Based on the Poll Results, here is your Jumpscare Preview!

Since the game has a good amount of progress done... what do y'all want a preview of first?

  3 votes Voting finished

Devlog 1#

2nd Teaser...

Happy Holidays!