Five Nights at F&*%boys: Sh!##y Reclaiment
2 years ago

Devlog 1: So this game exists

Greetings People who have a vested interest about a story about a boy and his asshole bird,

Today marks the day that the game's demo has been fully finished (for the most part). From the gamejam submission to this release, it was a struggle to correct most of my failures that I had done, but I believe that I had done a decent job.

While the full patch notes for the big update have been released, I'll list some of the most notable for me personally that enhances the quality of the game significantly and the struggles that I went into it.

-Game Engine Swap from Vx Ace to Mv

Originally, this game was suppose to be an Mv game from the very start, but I got overwhelmed and spooked from the numerous new things and thus retreated back to Vx Ace. Overtime, however, I realized how fucking hard it is to make a game with Mv sized tiles in Vx Ace, so I went back to Mv for good. While it did come with some growing pains, I eventually got there, if by the literal last minute of the game jam.

I've honestly grown fond of Mv, and will probably be making any new (and old) projects in it instead of Vx Ace

-Changing the dialogue system to include new faces, name boxes, and voices.

This change was specifically important as the game, at it's core, it kinda story centric. While the game isn't some elder scrolls level grand tale, I will say that I spent considerably more time doing text and voice shit then battle. The faces were of the upmost importance as that was one of the main criticisms I had seen against the game, even by the gamejam's own judges. And so I set to rectify it by making actual fucking actually unique faces instead of stealing a majority of them from the Vx Ace Version or from other Mv Games. This included me actually fucking with blender to make the faces and battlers of Springbonnie and Fredbear, which is of my personal victories as I'd always thought blend was this impossible hill to climb to.

Name boxes were a neat addition I had when I was making the faces. It mostly was the result of me being lazy and not wanting to make the faces, I thought it would be cool to add them, which it was. The only problem being that now I had to remake all the text boxes with that in mind, which was a pain in the ass.

Finally, the voices were something that I both enjoyed and dread at the same time. While for some of the voices, it was fine, for others it was utter hell. For example, the way I'm doing security's voice makes it so that the words are being spell checked automatically, so I have to run it through Word to spell check it and then get that line for the tts to make it. And that doesn't cover that I had to actually voice a character using my own damn voice as the Voiceforge decided to go into the cringe nae nae ass baby land of mobile exclusive. It was most certainly unpleasant being up at 3 o clock in the morning speaking very sus things while being covered on a blanket in the middle of my floor. But all that aside, I'm glad I added them as it makes the game feel so much more alive then without them.

-Common Events being consolidated into their Statuses

This change isn't really all that important in the grand scheme of things, but it did show me the light in how much I a) knew javascript (Mv Language) significantly more then ruby (Vx Ace Language) and b) I could do so much more cool shit with Javascript since I actually knew how I can make it work. The primary example that sticks with me is the Cost Zero status. While simple in what it does, removing recoil and skill costs from attack, what isn't as simple is how it gets removed. Previously, I had done it via giving every skill that even had the inkling that could use Cost Zero, I had to slap a common event to it to get rid of it, which worked but made everything messy. So I instead looked for a solution via scripting.

After several days of hair pulling and near resignation to the previous method, I eventually stumbled upon the solution. While it did take a while, the result I got made me much more satisfied with the status and made me love and see the things I could do with engine. It's so simple in retrospect, but that's what I love about coding.

While I could write for much longer, I feel I've easily written enough to satisfy a minimum word requirement for a college essay, so I won't write much long. Sorry if this seems weirder then the Devlogs I wrote for ODNaF but that's mainly because while those devlogs had a lot of work being put into them month by month, I sort of just went ham on this project specifically to get it done so my tarnished legacy from the gamejam release wouldn't last too long. But yeah, this game is something I will be working on occasionally, but probably won't going super hard on this one for a while, atleast until I get burnt out on ODNaF or some shit and use this game to mentally recharge. Anyways Toodles, see you whenever I get the urge to work on this again. I'm going to go to take a short break and calm my tits from Rpg Maker as, it turns out, working on something Day and Night with near to no breaks isn't the best for mental health.

-Frashaw27, Eggplant Extraordinaire

P.s. This is the last post on this page, for today atleast.



Next up

Well ain't that something?

Thanks for 20 followers. I give you this as tribute. It's based off joke lore I made when I was making the game.

A wild title screen appears!

900 members!

FNaFb will never die!


Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 3

Backup Bash Gaming

Thanks for 30 Followers, as usual, have a shitty drawing as compensation. A ODNaF Devlog will be coming on Friday.

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 4

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.