Hello this is Oskar, a guy who does a lot of stuff for ADI. I'm also branded as a director and I forgot why (I always ping other team members when I'm unsure of something).
Anyways, the game is not dead, but the progress being made is VERY SLOW. The main reason is the lack of coders. Gumball codes Oblitus Casa, so he's very busy and Norman is kind of tired. Might as well use this devlog as a "Help Wanted!" post and try to "hire" another coder, or coders. In Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ of course. Join the Discord if you wanna help.
As for modelling, well... We have finished making (kind of, there is some tweaking possibly incoming) an awesome character. They are however not gonna be revealed until the game comes out (which let's hope happens). But... you can have a little sneak peak.
And... That is it! Cheers!
Also funny Beta MickMick thing. Yes, beta. We have a new model planned.