FNaFb: Phantom BB's Ritualistic Adventure
3 years ago

Devlog 2!!

Hey all, Hayden here, and don't you just hate it when you work on something for over a month than just decide to redo everything... FNaFB: Phantom BB's Ritualistic Adventure V2...

There is now less than a week left in the jam! and I have almost nothing done. I have scrapped a shit ton of content to try and get a demo out for V2. I don't have too much to show because visually I haven't changed much but mechanics wise a lot has changed.

BB now has a max level of 40 however he stops getting skills at 20. He has 4 main skills:

  • Enemy Scan - "Scans the enemy lowering their ATK, DEF, and AGI."

  • Propeller Toss - "BB takes off his propeller hat and flings it at the enemy! Hits twice!"

  • Shit Eating Laugh - "BB laughes his ass off giving him a massive ego boost. Boost ATK, DEF, and AGI."

  • Toxic Balloon - "BB launches a barrage of toxic balloons at the enemy has a pretty much guaranteed chance to poison."

As an addition to these skills there will be other skills BB can learn to aid him on his quest to get his body back such as:

  • Phantom Volt - "BB zaps all of his foes dealing high damage but lowering his speed."

  • Home Cooking - "BB cooks himself a pizza that heals him more based on how good his cooking skill is!"

and much much more!

I am working hard and if I could get all my ducks in a row I would be a lot less stressed and able to get the demo out soon.

- Hayden5826



Next up


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Level 309, another test render

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