One Night at Greys 1:REINCARNATED
9 months ago

Devlog #2

One Night at Greys 1:Reincarnated

Here is the second devlog for ONAG1R! I would like to say once again that game development is smooth and swift as ever! The AI for Grey and Bluet is complete; it gets slightly more difficult per hour.

Along with the completion and implementation of Bluet yesterday, this morning I have also completed the model of Reddy! Reddy was a bit quicker of a model to make, it does not feature any mechanics on it due to.. Lore...


New Reddy model! (Gen 3 Reddy)


Previous Reddy model. (Gen 2 Reddy)


Original Reddy model. (Gen 1 Reddy)

Now when I say "Gen [] Reddy", I mean for the character Reddy, not any other versions of Reddy. Since there are other versions of Reddy from other ONAG games.

So? How do you like it? New Reddy looks pretty cool in my opinion!

Now on another topic, I recently found the original game that inspired ONAG1, and realised that both games are quite similar in gameplay mechanic.

The original game is The Sparks 2, by @FoxxZ0. The game can be found at Now looking at The Sparks 2 I realised that ONAG1 is quite a well.. It's kinda like a copy and paste of The Sparks 2, but worse. So now with this knowledge, I plan to not make ONAG1R just a remake of ONAG1, but to actually make ONAG1R bigger than ONAG1. This means maybe more characters, more gameplay mechanics and etc. etc.

So there you go! Devlog #2 done! Tune in to see more progress on this game, following the game would be nice too! (First gameplay reveal at 10 followers!)



Next up


I know it isn't accurate... At all...

Not at ALL...

But who cares? I watched the mario movie the day it came out and I loved it! No spoilers!

The final model for ONAG1:R, Aidan, is complete!

Sorry I haven't posted in a little bit! I took a small break from the game and now I'm back! Here's Greeny's model.

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

As a single-dev team, making this game is hard. And yet, not too difficult, either? I'm not saying the game is effortless, I'm just saying I've gotten much better over time.

Speaking of my evolution.. Just finished the NEW Bluet model! Take a look!

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!


Once again some ms paint work

Likely the lore for a security breach update that randomly releases on Easter out of nowhere

"The Synthesis"

Why does it feel like such an honour that @italoitalo1 's 10,000th followed game is mine?