One Night at Greys 1:REINCARNATED
8 months ago

Devlog #3

One Night at Greys 1:Reincarnated

Since coming back to development on the game, ALOT has been added!

First of all, I did a few playtests and balancing changes until I was satisfied. I can confidently say that the main game is


I have made sure that it is not too easy nor impossible, so it's a worthy challenge! Playtesting will be released soon to select individuals (comment on here if you want to playtest).

Now on another note, I have begun making the extras! They are based off of the original game's extras, so there are things like view jumpscares, music toggle, warning (no joke), and more...

There is one more extra, one extra that is MUCH BIGGER than all the others, but I'm not gonna spoil it. Wait until the trailer to find out!!

Also, the gamejolt API extension I was using is fixed! Now gamejolt trophies can be added to the game!

So follow the game now!



Next up

Is that so?

ONAG1:R W.I.P menu (left)

FTAG1 Menu (middle)

ONAG1 menu (right)


Oh how I've evolved

The ONAG1:R menu has the dot play button as a reference to ONAG1

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

As a single-dev team, making this game is hard. And yet, not too difficult, either? I'm not saying the game is effortless, I'm just saying I've gotten much better over time.

Speaking of my evolution.. Just finished the NEW Bluet model! Take a look!

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

How many blocks?


An article where I am absolutely befuddled by my game's block count.


Once again some ms paint work

Likely the lore for a security breach update that randomly releases on Easter out of nowhere

"The Synthesis"


I know it isn't accurate... At all...

Not at ALL...

But who cares? I watched the mario movie the day it came out and I loved it! No spoilers!