Cryptic: Tales of the Guileful Pink Hare
3 months ago

Devlog (I lost the footage so have a meme)

  • Coded the Spirit

  • Added time

  • Added dialogue (needs voice acting)

  • Added rain (1/5 chance upon spawning in a rainy night)

  • Added dust for under the bed

  • Coded the Plushie

  • Holy Cross Modeling finished(?)

  • Strange Man’s Jumpscare finished(?)

  • Death Screen



Next up

Trying a new digital artstyle.

By drawing Candy in a cartoonish style

Music :]

This one’s called “Tired of You,” with a BPM of 120-210 (I think)

What if I decide to cancel this game again and piss everyone off

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

Here are some beautiful drawings of clubby and figs having bonding time by @SpoonfulStudios

(Check out Vesdy’s)

I made a Max jumpscare

My baby boy

Goobie’s going through an identity change

pretty much everyone to Xubur