Welcome back to an actual and decent devlog this time!
Today we will talk a bit about the progress so far and some events that will be occuring throughout the journey !

For a starter, we will talk about Harlow.
Harlow is our main character, she will have her own lines of dialogue and is aware of the player. Harlow also knows that we are the ones that pull the strings.
As a result, she will not tell us everything we would be able to normally know. As an example, "There is a room between" will not be visible to us and we will have to get the information out of Harlow first.
To make that easier, we are going to introduce Panic Attacks.
Panic Attacks
These will be occuring after entering specific rooms in various locations at any time of the journey. During these you will be able to see some memories that don't exactly belong to Harlow, and some of her past!

Some of the memories will seem familiar to Harlow, while others will not. In a moment of despair, Harlow will start talking about the "Tragedy", "Massacre" or about what she was reading on these signs (The pieces of signs that we couldn't see)
Progress Report (Ruins/Beta)
As for the progress so far, ruins have been completed in 23% while the entirety of text messages, dialogues and interactions for the ruins are finished in 17%.
So please don't ask when the Demo will be released and especially when the full game will be released, as I can't promise anything.
So yeah, that would be it for the Devlog, join the discord server to be able to see some exclusive footage from the game.
See you soon !