Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories
4 years ago

Devlog Quickies 7: HOLY HOT DAMN 1K VIEWS!!! + Humanoid Sister Trio

Well holy crap man... 1K views, I have never expected to go to that view count for my game page at all, but thank you all so much for making this way through for two months (I'm quite speechless, honestly), Now where was I? oh yeah the three characters I'm gonna introduce!!!

Core Recovery:



"I'm one mean lean singing humanoid machine!!!"


Core is a humanoid robot that was created by her creator "Dr. Franky’ Dust", along with her two sisters, Data & Calculate and her brother, The Groovatron, her appearance is that she is a blue haired, singing robot who has a heart of gold.


Core’s personality is very sweet, heart warming and has a fun side in herself, she always loves to roam around and even dash her way in Groove City to practice her unique parkour skills and moves, but she also has the power to sing out from her beautiful voice.

Weapon of Choice:

The ways that Core can fight in combat is by using her fightable (and also quite deadly) megaton mallet, a good way to prepare for an all out attack on very deadly enemies.

Data Recovery:



"Drinking blood? Ew no, I only drink stuff that is red related, like cranberry juice for example!"


Data is a half vampire, half humanoid robot that was created by her creator "Dr. Franky’ Dust", along with her two sisters, Core & Calculate and her brother, The Groovatron, Data has the powers of how a vampire would do, she can shapeshift into a bat and more importantly, she is immune to sunlight meaning Data won't even burn to death, for Data’s way of transportation she uses her wings to fly around at anywhere she can get too at any point in her location or get to a different country.


Data is one of the most sweet and lovable humanoid robot vampires you can ever meet, but she can be feisty for when she can get angry in her rage mode form, in her rage mode form, she can go crazy as hell when she sees someone that is attacking a person that needs help.

Weapon of Choice:

Her ways of attacking is the use of her vampire bite ability, her crazy dash attack, her scratch attack and most importantly... her rage mode form!

Calculate Recovery:



"Ya know, I can build something very quick in like idunno... five seconds!


Calculate is both a very smart humanoid robot and a racer that was created by her creator "Dr. Franky’ Dust", along with her two sisters, Core & Data and her brother, The Groovatron, Calculate has been programmed to be a smart robot by teaching math all the time, but due to a short circuit malfunction to her cpu, she seems to appear to be like a normal humanoid girl with a unique personality a lot like her sisters, Core & Data and her brother, The Groovatron. And plus, she is also both a racer and has an alter ego, named “Hacker Sk8er”


Calculate is a very sweet loving, heart felt humanoid robots you can ever meet, she has learned the basic math digit of Pi, creates inventions/machines, learned by doing driving lesions and even can be a babysitter, but for Calculate however, she is also a professional spray can artist that she goes all around in The Grasslands by her alter ego/artist name, “Hacker Sk8r”, so that she doesn’t want to get caught by the police.

Weapon of Choice:

Instead of any weapons that Calculate can use, instead, she uses her combat skills from her fists, to her legs and even her whole body to fully get ready for a pure attack, so you better get ready for danger.

And by the way, I have not only found myself a platformer engine and the Platformer Water Reflection effect tool on the Gamemaker Marketplace, but also including a water physics engine online, so just in case if I wanna make like water related situations in the game itself!

#devlog #devlogquickies #platformer #gamedev #indiedev #update #characters



Next up

Happy April the Fool Day!

Sorry I don't have anything funny business today...

BUT... I do have something planned up in my sleeve very soon, it will be talked in an upcoming devlog because ohh boy it is gonna be a big one!

It's a whole space pirate menace vs... a ragtag group of young individuals?

Best you better get ready for an adventure that is gonna be both chaotic and pure mischief as hell!

I hope you have yourself a great christmas, and I hope you got the stuff you wanted on your christmas list!!!

Development Gameplay Footage of Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories taken in August of 2023

Devlog Update: August 2022 Edition - Deciding to restart the development process from 2020 to 2021 + WIP look at the character select screen!

Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories - Promotional Artworks: Johnathan & Gerry

I have made these drawings for my game that shows my character's Johnathan and his rival, Gerry.

And I will make more of these types of artwork very soon!

Finally getting back to this

Now... where were we

Oh hey, since that all the people who came from GameBanana are now coming on here (including myself), I can show off a tease on a mod that I am gonna be working on soon!

The soundtrack cover for my game, Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories is finally finished! (Just have to repost this due to the text at the bottom)

If you want to learn more about my game, here is a link to the game's page:…