9 years ago

DevLog05 - More story and new music

That took a lot longer than expected, but I finally found some time to work on this game. I’m not sure if I will continue to work on it on a regular basis, but I’m definitely motivated to expand this when I have some free time.

So what’s new? Actually, I didn’t add anything new content-wise, but polished the experience.

  1. I hated the way text was displayed, often I could only fit one word on the screen, so I allowed the game a higher resolution for text. Now you can finally read the infos and dialogues without going insane.

  2. The game has new music. The old one was randomly generated and although it wasn’t horrible, I didn’t like it. I’m not sure if the current music is final, as it lacks variety, but it’s a step in the right direction.

  3. There’s now a menu you can call outside battle. Press the alt key and it pops up. Then you can heal your allies or even revive them. There’s still some info missing, right now you don’t know how much HP you have, for example, but it’s a start.

I hope you like the changes and if you want to see the story completed, write a comment. :)


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