2 months ago

DFC 2.8 LEAK - Snowboarding Minigame

Simple minigame as the name implies, snowboard to the bottom of a mountain located in Snowdin and hope you get a good time. Things of note:

  • Partners can access the minigame with you, however they currently don't get snowboarding sprites and default to their down sprite instead.

  • Your PB is saved to the save file, but there's currently no UI to show your time or PB.

  • There is an Ice Cap NPC that tells you to "not worry about failing on the first go, as getting accustomed to the snowboard's controls can be a hard time." It is unknown why an Ice Cap was chosen as the tutorial NPC.

[obviously this is a fake leak but i wanted to format it like one anyway cuz i thought it'd be more interesting than just posting the mockup]



Next up

Didn't expect to ever be showing off this on GJ but, hi! I'm the dev for that one HoloFunk Psych port you may have seen floating around. Just thought I'd show some barebones progress for the song "Quadruple Baka". More Details in the comments!

Replace the PVP Log button in the Cell Menu with the Dimensional Box, allowing for access to Box A and B like in the original UT. The PVP Log itself should be moved to the actual PVP menu.

Made a couple of mock-ups on how it all could look.

Been messing with the new DF editor to see what's possible, it's honestly really co- wait what the fuck what the FUCK is THAT

❤ DONTFORGET - February 2025 Mini Status Update ❤

(Read inside for a look at some of the new spells and improvements to the party member system coming in v2.8.0, and the changelog for the new v2.7.14b patch!)

dark world battles if they were awesome

Don't Forget x Gravity Falls (original idea by @HighFlyer and @RedmanGame )

it's my spawn day today so that's cool ig?

take this cool jpeg of ceroba undertaley ellow


The "Name" category in the Vessels menu is broken and uses the incorrect font.

just a series of group photos pictured today.(>^ω^<)