5 years ago

Did you know that?
All of the artworks and the game design of Ilenar are made by one person? Incredible!

Our project is run on low budget, so our team is based on a good old friendship who’s crazy in old titles like Heroes of Might and Magic, Starcraft: Broodwars, Age of Empires, Baldur’s Gate and the retro Diablo series. Most of the graphic design are based on these old, 3d pre-rendered flawed gems! One of us, Bence Monori 3D/2D artist, Mural painter and Graphic Designer,aka @Benmonor is works hard to make look Ilenar such impressive and cool as we know.


Check out our gallery at the top for more artworks and conceptart!

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Next up

Early version is available!

“One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present.” Merry Christmas to our great community, have a nice holiday to all folks! See you in the new year!

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Ahoy! My good friend @matepribelszky Released a slight remaster of The Hidden Fragmentation. Version 1.1.0 fixes the technical issues the original game suffered from. Also, there is 64bit support and a new volume control as well!

Update: Version 0.0.5 In the newest version of the game, we update the basic stats of the Hero types, we get to some useful feedback about minor bugs, what are successfully repaired.

Not dead yet just animating stuff wip af

Hi Everyone!

Some of you may have noticed that the logo and name of the channel have changed.

A little insight into an upcoming opponent design, the Fearless, and its host. #respawned #arpg #rpg #roguelike

Update: Version 0.0.3 A Quick Help function added to the game what is explain the main interface elements on the Adventure map, make play the game more easier for the beginners. Follow us to don't miss the newest updates!

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