
8 months ago

didn't get all the way through everything i was wanting to show today so have this

i have all of the first pizzeria drawn so expect me to show that off more soon the backgrounds turned out super duper cute

im sure nothing bad happens after this encounter

first time of many we get to see william freakton covered in blood everybody jump for joy !!!!! it's my favorite to draw i need to drop an anvil on his head

uh also this is kind of foxy go go go minigame in the timeline </3 me when i show foxy all these fucking dead people for no reason other than to be a dick idk . they could never make me hate you william



Next up

game but also not

uhh for the past 6 hours I've been working on revamping my ms. thing cosplay, I've had the suit for almost 4 years now but it looked kind of shitty, I'm using myyy game design though if there's any fans of her from the demo in the crowd

because I'm evil and making you wait until tomorrow morning for patch + new stuff here's willy in some of my favorite new sprites .. cute as ever buddy😬😟

let it be known that if dawko ever plays this game: I'm really sorry I made you look like this and then named you Louie Dee I feel terrible every day but also it makes me giggle really bad

I feel like I needed to put that out there like sorry.. lmao

Another Small Update

vaguely related post

dyed my hair purple.. to commit.. promising myself I'm NOT allowed to change my hair color again until I finish this game ok we're locked in .. I needed something else to kick myself in the ass.. purple solidarity

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!

AS PER POPULAR REQUEST... more choices are coming to ch1 AND the prologue right MEOW i am so sorry for it being dry at first gagaga i just havent had the time to go back..

Photo negative Mickey :)

new description banners to jazz it up by the ever fucking awesome @SPAMTONJSPAMTON