3 days ago

Different between we Iranian to other countries in Hot summer

We Iranian drinking hot tea



Next up

My Favorite and my #MostFearedMob in Minecraft

Walther white in karaj in Iran

This is picture of a citizen of karaj it's very similar to Walther white from breaking bad

Fuck you soder.

What you do if you find it?


GTA V It's Was A Great Game i have many memories about this game I spent more time with this game #GJAsks

HEY HEY Big smoke it's me Carl! Chill chill!

In farsi language

Guys this is GTA San Andreas game in this version translated into Persian language

This is Big smoke and CJ famous meme in Persian language

how it feels to be in this hellhole for 4 years

I'm waiting for GTA VI for a long time
