4 years ago

discord rich presence !!! 1.4 is out now

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~17~ is out now

but there are 3 versions

power-shell installer being rebuild

exe version

and pure batch version with cleared folders

New Game Art 1.8 Alpha Version Out Soon

bug fix's ~1.55~

fixed discord rich presence level 2 bug

updated it so it does not have to reconnect for each drp update

reconfigured the ini file

removed the android buttons

fixed screen location arrows

made a nice logo for the game

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Camera's Being Worked On Will Be Updated Soon check Developer Build For Early Release's

Short video on the progress of our game♥

FNAB exe:


created a installer

win7-10 support

and auto updating


exe and powersheel version are out now


new start up screen for exe version