Nigthmares From Memories (DEAD STATUS)

2 years ago

Distarta Springtrap in Blender 2.79!

(and briefly about the game lol)

Greetings folks! Right now, the game is in the modeling stage and I plan to have the map done by February 24th, and the Distards themselves by February 20th! (Don't forget that).

Also, I plan to get a couple or maybe even a few people together to improve progress in terms of modeling, etc. And just like that tomorrow I will create a discord, but it will only be on the topic of work, so expect...

Well, that would end this post not on that note, have a picture of the map, which is still in development:




Next up

My first nightmare animatronic in Cinema 4d!

I mean a fan character.

Hello world from An Alien!

Game page is out!


I'm back to work and I need help!

Rat Race Production Update

NFM models and textures is out now!

Why can't the game continue to be developed? And...

Is this the end...?

Distorta Freddy in full size!