2 years ago

Don't turn your back on the mannequins...or they will see you... Shh...don't let them know that you're not one of them...hear that? Is it in the distance? don't want them to bring it, do you?...

...In development...

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Next up

New House "Pokemon Center"

Added Shinys!

Implementing heal system.

Added Monsters Commons and Boss Added Names with Vocations

Added Damage System Added Chat System Added Weapons System

Next Updates: Experience and level up.

Battle in real time!

NPC dialog system implemented, quest system in development.

Evolves are implemented

Update Game: -Environment is reworked, new starters for choice!

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

Our new album #Xennials is all about the nostalgia of that era 💽 CD listenin 📟 beeper beepin 💾 floppy disks floppin days 😎

Stream now! 🎧…

We are under attack!