25 days ago

During all the time I didn’t post (11-12 days), I was busy with FL Studio and studying at school =). I also made 2 test tracks, a beat, I don’t know what to call it.

(And yes, I'm not a pro at creating this)

Опять для русских:
За все время когда не выпускал я посты (11-12 дней), я занимался FL Studio и учебой в школе =). А также я сделал 2 пробный трека, бита, не знаю как назвать.



Next up

In short, I just redid the picture.

Короч, просто переделал картинку.

I think that I will soon return to the development of Friday Night Funkin VS M.A.K.S. [alpha]

Думаю что в скором времени вернусь к разработке Friday Night Funkin VS M.A.K.S. [alpha]


May the coming Christmas bring you happiness, health, and fulfillment of all your desires!

Happy holidays to you

My God!!! This is my first time creating a cover (Yes, I used my voice for the chromatic)

I hope I will continue to do something like this.

In short, I made a small mod in a few hours to test my potential in fsf modding.

You can play and check.

I know I've been gone for a long timeI know I haven't been here for a long time, but read the article!

Опа!!!Нежданчик!!! Короч я как обормот опять разленился и я хз че выпускать тут.[P.S. видео взял у NIGHT_D3485]

Unexpected!!! In short, I’m like a fool again, I’ve become lazy and I don’t know why I’m releasing it here.

[P.S. video taken from NIGHT_D3485]

I released my small mod with a cover made in 4-5 hours. Most of the time I understood the engine and chromatics. Here is a link so that you can play and write your review.


Wow, it turns out I still have one sprite left in Google Drive!!

And I thought about redoing the cover of the mod.

Вау, оказывается у меня в Google диске еще остался один спрайт!!

И я задумался о переделки обложки мода.