4 years ago


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A hidden, cancelled game of mine.

"Five Nights at Sonic's 4 DLC: Reworked"

Arcade Area W.I.P

work in progress room, thingy

Probably the most random comment that I've ever gotten.

Yeah, uhh, have whatever this is.

Chibi Encore Cast.

The majority the rooms are close to being done.

And i'm trying my hardest to get it done!

but for now have a wip of one of the rooms, it's not much pretty basic

Again, whatever this is, have it anyway

I've been up for "awhile" to say the least, it's 2AM for where i'm at. I said to myself I wasn't gonna sleep till I get all these rooms done.

Well, me.

I'm gonna sleep once i'm done with this room. Ehhh probably.

Anyways, have a W.I.P of a certain room.


1 more room left to do, The Kitchen!

anyways have the Arcade Area