2 months ago

ello ermrmrm here is a bunch of things i never posted cause IT WAS SHIT, and cause i haven' posted in a while

1&2 sketch of sans i did long ago to see if i still could draw
3 @8lFx dust sans fanart
4 dust take fanart of a friend
5 fanart of a friend au



Next up

Art of the multiple design of dusttale: motfh a bit of illustrated part of the story are on the drawing aswell, thanks for the people that did fanart of my take (the 7 of you ) because i was surprised it could get a little bit of attention

Storyshift chara, i'm not very proud of this one since i don't draw humans at all. I tried something new i guess

Spriting is actually a lot easier than drawing, never knew

silly chara and frisk sketch

I promise i'll be back, i just need to finish something.

Starlo!! :D

Crazy to think that my first fanart was like 2 years ago even if i did it as a joke, happy to see that even if i stoped drawing for a time, i can see that i made a lot of progress through years. Some of my drawings sucks, but i'm proud some don't.

Tears in the rain, SAD SANS IS FANON

Undertale Yellow - Soup'd Up (Cast)

Sorry for not posting anything lately. I got exams and i don't know why, but all of my post on gamejolt are in 240p, but the quality of other post are good, idk how to fix it, i will post more when i will be done with exams